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Running Off-Road

The cold-snap is over - all cheer. The rain has come - all cheer?? Well, it is better than frost and biting winds - right?

Sunday is my 'long run' day.

Hahaha 'long run': the longest I have managed is 7 miles so far, so long is not long in the long sense...if you know what I mean?

Since my return to running in the late summer of 2020, I have been doing all my running on either roads or the treadmill, if I really couldn't face going out. Well the treadmill is broken so I have to go out. My run will occasionally incorporate a short stretch of off-road just because of where I live but it hasn't justified getting my lugged shoes out.

Today was different!

Today, I decided to go up on Salisbury Plain and run through the mud, just like I did when I first started running about 20 years ago. Then, I would hardly ever run on the road, except to get to the fields, road running was for whimps. (It's not, it's just what I used to think!!).

Let me just say, off-road or 'trail running' as it is often referred to, is a lot more difficult than road running. So immediately expect your times to suffer, and oh boy did mine!! I have been going out three times a week and my times have very slowly started to improve, I can now frequently see an 11 at the beginning of my time/mile so I felt I was making progress. Today there were a few 14's and a 13/miler - oh er - and I could only manage 4.86 miles - my legs were NOT going to give me any more. However, I absolutely loved it and can't believe I have been running on the road since August - doh!

What to expect when starting trail running:

  • Firstly don't expect to run as fast. You will be on uneven, sometimes wet and slippery, often muddy ground which is nothing like running on the road. You really have to watch where you are putting your feet as there are often tree roots and pesky trailing brambles just waiting to trip you up. It is very easy to go over on your ankle or in fact head first (as I have done many a time) so ease into it.

  • Expect a really good workout. You have to adopt a slightly different stride than when on the road because you will be avoiding tree roots and jumping over rocks so your feet will be lifted slightly higher off the ground. There may even be some hopping involved to navigate obstacles so your arms will be pumping to help maintain momentum. You can improve your trail running by including strength and balance exercises: think lunges, single-leg squats, bridges, calf raises, and using a wobble board to help develop stability and strength in your feet and ankles.

  • The only equipment you will need that is different from road running is the shoes. You really do need trail shoes. They have lugs like football boots, only cuter, and are essential if you are going to keep your grip and stay upright. There are loads available and you really don't have to buy the most expensive. I have had a pair of More Mile for about 15 years (ok so for 12 of those years they haven't been used) but a brand new pair comes in at under £30, which isn't too bad if you are first starting out. Link: More Mile

Runner's World have an article on Trail Shoes - for interest.

  • Whilst you may be tempted to hit the trails frequently at first...because it is so much fun, start with once a week and build it up - because the ground is more forgiving than on the road you may be forgiven for thinking you are not working so hard....but believe me you are so progress slowly.

  • Consider occasionally leaving your running watch at home - just go and enjoy the experience of running in the open country with no cars and quite often no people. Because of that, make sure you let someone know where you are going (as is reasonable with all runs) or go with a friend and take a phone with you just in case you come a cropper.

I am so pleased I headed 'off-road' today. My times will improve (I hope) but as I don't have any opportunity to enter a race at the moment it doesn't really matter, only to my ego, what my times are.

Keep safe, more soon xx

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