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Marathon Training Week Two

Sunday evening, sitting in the garden, eating ice cream. Not even as a reward for today's long run.

That's because there was no long run, that's because I'm hurting. Is it an injury? Is it a niggle? I don't know but it hurts.

For a few weeks, I have been experiencing a weird numbness in my lateral right thigh - not a pain exactly, just a strange feeling like my leg was going to give out?? I have had a 'something' that happens in my right foot for some time - I begin running and within 2 minutes I get a shock in the aforementioned foot which makes me limp for three strides and then it's gone - no idea what's going on there?

Anyhow, back to the thigh thing. Wednesday's run turned it from niggle to pain, I couldn't concentrate on the run, just this frigging pain, the same on Saturday - not even a long run, not even a fast run, just a 4-mile mince really.

Google, naturally, has been extremely helpful - numbness in the thigh could be:

  1. Advanced diabetes

  2. Multiple sclerosis

  3. A tumour on the base of my spine

  4. Motor neurone disease

None of the above would be taken lightly and I am thinking that there may be a few more symptoms? I've dug a little deeper before fighting through the receptionist at our GP surgery - perhaps femoral nerve impingement? Perhaps tight hip flexors?

The foam roller is almost worn out, theragun burnt out, I've static stretched like a beast.....but the pain remains.

I have to admit to being impatient - perhaps it will take more than one day to recover 🤣

But isn't that typical? You decide to commit to something and your (old, in my case) body thinks "no, no, no : what is she thinking - marathon, at her age? Let's throw a spanner in the works and put an end to that nonsense".

Monday is a rest day, even if I didn't run today, I will keep to the plan and not run, I will instead do more stretching and throw in some weights for good measure.

On Friday I deadlifted all the weights I have - 35kg - I was pleased.....until I looked up (on Google again, when will I learn?) that someone of my age and weight, as a novice lifter, should be lifting 57kg minimum - back to the drawing board.

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