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Writer's pictureTina Watson

Marathon Training: Week Three

Going well then Tina?

Other than running with the running club, amounting to a whole 5.8 miles over two runs - I have not run. My hip is being a little s*%t and is not playing the game.

Rather than being totally disheartened, but of course, I am disheartened, I have embarked on a stretching regime, in the vain hope that that is exactly what my hip would like me to do.

I have done :

  • seated butterfly stretch

  • pigeon pose

  • bridges

  • lunges

  • straight leg stretches

  • psoas stretches

  • lunges

thanks to Healthline's suggestions.

I have done yoga with Kassandra.

I can assure you I didn't look like this!!!

I have followed along with Tom Merrick, who quite frankly was having a laugh - he makes it look so simple......IT IS NOT.

I have rested, I have used resistance bands, the theragun, foam roller, spikey ball - you name it I have tried it (don't forget drugs, lots of the form of anti-inflammatories, I hasten to add) and how does my hip feel????? Exactly the same.

Now I must stress that I have self-diagnosed my hip problem - which although full of flaws, is probably a lot better than TRYING to get a doctor's appointment where the doctor actually sees you in the flesh and asks you to show him where the pain is and perhaps do some movements to see if there is any impingement somewhere - let's face it that is not going to happen any time soon at my local GP surgery. If you are lucky enough to get past reception and the triage nurse to then actually speak to a medical professional, it will only be over the telephone - not ideal (rant over).

That, my friends, is the sum total of what has happened in Week Three - I am hoping for better results next week. Tonight I am taking part in a local run in which we are to be pelted with coloured paint, like the Holi Festival in India - I am hoping that they will use powder paint and not ready-made Dulux......but you never know!!

I will leave you with a photo of my beautiful daughter who went to India and took part in the real festival - have a good week xx

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