This week I have mainly been sulking, wingeing, eating and drinking gin - nothing new there then, but usually this is offset with bouts of running, which keeps everything sort of in check. you know, running isn't really on the agenda at the moment with Dr Google's diagnosis of Gluteal Tendinopathy.
On the bright side, being unable to run for a prolonged period of time can have some positives (I have read) - I can try out new activities and even come back as a better runner (hahaha)
So what alternatives are there to running, when all you want to do is run?
Firstly, it depends on what you are actually able to do with your injury - exercises like swimming (yuk), aqua-jogging/aqua aerobics (double yuk) are excellent because they can mimic the actual action of running but the water is load-bearing so you don't experience any impact (but I hate going to the swimming pool).
Aqua-jogging video:-
Cycling can help build your leg strength but if you live around me there is also a great chance of ending up in hospital as the roads are dreadful and there are a lot of bicycle-hating motorists full of their own self-importance and in so much of a hurry to get on with their vital business that they don't want to wait for a cyclist. (rant over)
Resistance Training
You may be given some re-hab exercises to do and why not combine these with working on your core or any other weaknesses that you know you have but haven't got around to working on. Keep going or take up resistance training - making you stronger upon your return (muscles also burn calories even when you sleep.....result!!!)
Calm your mind and relax, forget that you cannot run by doing some Yoga and meditation - good for physical and mental well-being.
Gin Drinking
My subscription to The Craft Gin Club came this week (until 13th September there is an offer of 50% off your first two boxes - no commitment to carry on after that).
So I spent some time trying out the new craft gin and tonics that were sent, oh and eating the snacks that come with it - very diverting.
On that note, I shall have another go at yoga, cut back on the scoffing and next week I am going to have a little try-out, without the assistance of codine, and see how I am - oh, you so know this is going to end in tears!!
Until next week - keep strong my friends. x