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When your Get-Up-and-Go, got up and left!....loss of motivation

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Tina looking puzzled
Wondering where my motivation has gone..

it has been a while; I haven't written anything since June. How have you all been?

My running had been going good - up to 35 miles a week and then suddenly BOOM, it all stopped. You may remember in November last year my motivation legged it and I was having real problems getting it back : Blog Post - I'm Back

I got through that and was back on track to try and run my 30 miler before my next birthday, which is looming large ie just another month. My longest run has been 18 miles so I have done over half the distance but out of nowhere I feel flat as a pancake, I have a loss of motivation and can't be bothered to get out and get some miles in.

Now, there are a few mitigating circumstances:

I am old

I took on another job

I became a granny

I upped my mileage

I am hoping that it is just a combination of these things that has affected me and when I get used to the additional job (three sessions a week of four hours manual labour....come on, I'm just not used to it!!!) that I will be ok.

My mother was amused that my job involved, in effect, chambermaiding. As she pointed out, I haven't done that since I was 15 and 45 years later, I might find it a bit harder.....she was so right!!

Some exciting things have happened since I last wrote anything. A few of us were chosen by Harrier Trail Running to take part in a bit of publicity (the pictures are thanks to Jake Baggaley). We got to try out their fantastic kit and run around having our pictures taken in the Peak District. It was to encourage people to take part in trail running #trailrunningisforeverybody , I got to meet a lot of really great runners - Check out my bit here - Tina's Story

I have also been chosen to be an ambassador for None to Run. ohhh, see me!!!

None to Run is an app and an online community. It is along the lines of Couch to 5k but i have to say, it is a lot better. I used it myself as I was getting back to running after my long lay off and the thing that makes it really good is that it includes strength training in the programme. That is not to say you will have to spend hours in the gym throwing dumbbells around, it just illustrates that strength training is so important to runners to help improve your running and also to help you prevent injuries - I know most runners are allergic to strength training but it really should be incorporated into your training. Give the app a looky looky.

Pewsey Plodders are going from strength to strength, we have had two ladies complete triathlons and are already planning to beat their times next year. We have had Plodders in mud runs, in local 10ks, road marathons, 5ks and some are training to take part in their very first 10k, hopefully in the Autumn.

It's just me that's gone a bit limp.

I had been having such lovely runs, exploring footpaths I haven't been down before and pushing myself to run further. Following the rule of not upping my mileage too much at one go and having cut back weeks, I really thought I was doing everything right.

Watch this space, I reckon I can beat it....I've beaten bigger things!!

Keep safe, more soon xx

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