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Writer's pictureTina Watson

I'm Back.....ish

But where oh where has my motivation gone?????

After an absence due to mysterious hip pain, I am back with the gang at Pewsey Plodders.

Whilst I really enjoy being back with this lot, it is sometimes a struggle to get out of the door. The fact that I have committed to lead everyone on a Thursday night makes me go out but other than that I can't seem to get my act together.

Admittedly I am a lot older than I was during the heady days of running 6 out of 7 days a week, with 5-7 miles being the norm in the week and 10+ on a Sunday, all weathers, whatever, I ran.

Now, well, I like reading about running, I like following, with interest, folk on Instagram that go running, I like investigating new running gear, talking about running with other people....but me actually going running...well that is a different story.

If Scotty could beam me up, already dressed in my running kit, out on the road or trail, then I would be fine but the actual act of changing out of a) dog walking kit, b) work kit, c) non work kit into my running kit and getting my fat arse into gear - hmmmmm.

I am very good at excuses:

  • I can't run first thing because I get up at 6:30 to walk the dogs (two dogs, two separate walks, one on the Plain, the other around the village - don't ask!!) and by the time that is done and they are fed, there is only time for breakfast and then off to work.

  • I can't run during my lunchtime because I don't have a set lunchtime and there's not always time for a shower. (!!)

  • I can't run after work because I have managed to fill my evenings with other things.

  • I can't run on a Saturday because Sunday is the day you run.

  • I can't run on a Sunday because once I have walked the dogs etc, I then go bellringing and after that, I can't be arsed to change into my running kit.

That is just a few examples of the rubbish excuses I can come up with.

Hopeless eh?

I have tried a host of things to get me running. I have lined up my running clothes at the side of the bed so that I can set the alarm early and pop on the clothes and run before the dog walk (have you ever tried to get out of the door without the dog first thing?) I ended up turning off the alarm and kicking the clothes out of the way when I eventually got up.

I have run with music, without music, in a group, by myself, with a race in mind, without a race in mind, short runs, long runs, off-road and on-road.

Now I am not saying that I don't enjoy running, I love it, but only once I'm actually doing it. My tiny mind seems to very quickly forget how good it is to run and only remembers that sitting inside with coffee and biscuits is much better.

I consulted the internet for some pearls of wisdom:

  • Apparently, I could be suffering from burnout - stop laughing!! either from overtraining or simply from overwhelm in different areas of your life...nope

  • For a quick motivational ‘shot in the arm‘, it suggested I go and buy myself some nice new running shoes or treat myself to the latest GPS watch...I don't need any encouragement on that front!

  • Antirunningitis is allegedly a thing (in the running world) and is very common among runners. But all of the suggestions for shrugging it off, I have tried.

One thing I haven't had for a while is a goal, something to aim for. I had originally thought that I would run a marathon before my 60th birthday (my very first marathon was just before my 40th birthday) but my hip saw to that and that sort of demotivated me somewhat.

Soooooo, I am going to set a goal, a small one, and I am going to use this platform as a way of staying accountable - I guess if only to myself because no one else might read this haha.

SMART Goal No 1:

S - Specific = run 3 times a week for a month

M - Measurable = 3 times a week

A - Attainable = 3 times isn't too many and Thursday Plodders counts as one.

R - Relevant = I want to get back to running so this is a start

T - Time-based = One month

One of the reasons that I don't want to give in, is because by reaching 60 I realise that time is not on my side and I want to remain in good condition for as long as possible. I see people my age who sweat while they walk up a hill.

Only last week a group of "youffs" were gathered in the park by where I was running (slowly) and they were catcalling and taking the mick. I shouted over "why don't you join me?" and instantly wished I hadn't, half a dozen of them charged towards me and started jogging along beside me laughing and joking, we had only gone about 50 metres when they started dropping off or walking and after 100 metres the ones that were left decided they would leave me to enjoy my run by myself, they simply couldn't keep up even with my slow pace - I don't want to be like that. I see old people making their way painfully down the street – I don’t want that either.

I don't want to be a burden on my family when I get older and I want to run around with my grandchildren...if I ever get any hint hint kids

So my motivation is as basic as it gets. I can’t outrun old age, but I can approach it fighting.

Who wants to start a sweepstake as to how many runs I will get in this week - treadmill counts in this weather!!!

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1 Comment

Nov 12, 2022

Well done for writing down your thoughts and experiences. Three times a week is (for me) hard to achieve. But go for it! Allow for warm up. And stretch after. Best of luck - and best run.

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