See Week One
Well, let's start with the barnet!!
Around this time of year, I tend to get fed up with my hair, for some reason, it is not the cascading, beautifully coiffured, runway-ready, lustrous, voluminous vision of wondrousness that I imagine, more of a limp, wispy, disheveled, shoulder-length, salt n pepper nothingness.
So it had to go. Out came a hairband and some old wallpaper scissors and goodbye ponytail.
Top tip: don't try this at home
Obviously, now that I am more aerodynamic, my running times will improve! Funnily enough, they have but I think that's probably more down to perseverance with the running than chopping my hair off.
How Many Runs Last Week?
Three runs, just over 12 miles. Happy with that.
Thursday night with Pewsey Plodders was a great session with a bit of fartlek thrown in...can never go wrong with a bit of fartlek I always say!
Rather than adopting my usual, highly-complex role of standing there barking orders, I actually joined in - and rather enjoyed it. A bit of stretching and a group photo later and that was one run in the bag.
most of them are smiling!!
2. Sunday is runday - unless I go on a Saturday!!
Cold, wet, horrible - yes that just about sums up every day at the moment, but out I went, a little 5 miler - wasn't going to break any records but threw in some nice off-road sections and managed to keep a lot of it under 12-minute miles, which I know will sound carthorse slow for many runners but for me - I will take that!
Oh and Strava...who must be obeyed....said it was harder than my usual effort, mind you, that's not saying much!
3. Tuesday bimble around the village.
Just over 4 miles and, more importantly, 436 calories. Also got a PR on one bit.
All in all a good week.
Whilst I have adhered to my challenge of three runs a week, I'm feeling like cranking it up and either adding a few more or going a bit further.
Unfortunately, I possess a competitive streak, be it with myself, or more dangerously, with other people.
Dangerous because I could try to do too much too soon...we've all been there folks, (me more than most) it is definitely a case of "do as I say, not as I do"
My running coach head would advise "Regardless of your previous experience with mileage, all runners should follow the 10 to 15 per cent rule: Calculate what 10 to 15 per cent of your goal weekly mileage is, then increase your mileage each week by no more than that amount."
I'm looking to run 30 miles a week, 10% of that is 3 miles so increase my mileage by no more than 3 miles a week (or 4.5 miles if we push to 15%). That is to help prevent injury.
BUT since when have I listened to myself?? Our club has a Strava Club Page and every week there is a leaderboard.....and I haven't been at the top for a very long time....and I want that accolade!!!
oh dear, oh dear, this isn't going to end well.
And there we have it, subscribe to find out what happens next....although I think we can guess!!